Sunday, May 31, 2009

He is so lovable!

I just can't help posting more pictures of Brody. I am working on several sets for his room. He is an absolute angel!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


After 2 hours and 10 minutes of labor our sweet little baby boy arrives. It was the quickest labor I have ever been through. I dialated from 5cm-10cm in 30 minutes. The down side is that the epidural had not kicked in all the way and there was some pain. All worth it...enjoy our first shot of Brody.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Hayden Falls

The Hayden Falls sessions were such a blast this weekend! I am sharing one for now and hopefully will get to share the others after I return from the hospital. Can you believe it?! Tomorrow BRODY will FINALLY be HERE!!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Friday, May 22, 2009

Senior Model Maegan

Where has the time gone?! Four days until Brody arrives and I am still going strong with sessions. Keeping busy is always a good thing. Here are some images of my senior model Maegan for 2010. We had a very interesting time...let's say it was an adventure! At one part of our session it started pouring buckets and we had no choice but to stay in this abandoned warehouse. Powered up the flash and check out the rain in one of her images. I could go on and on. Enjoy the weekend!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Fresh Face Part 1

This past weekend was the first of two Fresh Face Sessions for the upcoming contest. Everyone came out with a fresh face and I am just excited to see who will be my next cover model!
It was chilly but these children knocked it out of the park. I will announce June 1st when the next session call is. These images will be posted again once voting begins at the end of June. If you have a session during May or June you will be entered in the contest without having to show up to a FF session.

Kevin and Amy's wedding to remember

We last me Kevin and Amy in Clearwater for their engagement session. Several weeks later here we are...the big day! I will always remember Kevin and Amy's wedding. Why? Well I was 9 months pregnant, it was blustery out, the church inside had beautiful lighting, and did I mention Amy was absolutely stunning!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Alyssa- Senior Model 2010

You may remember Alyssa from last months prom sessions. Alyssa is one of my senior models for Grove City Class of 2010. We had a great time tracking down locations that fit her personality and style. That is what I love about the creative session!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Baby Update!

Ok so quick update on Brody and work. We are being induced May 26th! That is less than two weeks away and there is so much to do before he comes.
All sessions will be held as scheduled unless weather plays a factor. The last scheduled sessions are May 24th (could not have planned this better) and will resume June 6th. However, I am scheduled out until June 11th.

Tony and Melissa at FPC.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Keeping up!

I spent this past weekend busy and I mean BUSY. Saturday was Amy and Kevin's wedding and I was so proud that I made it through 8 hours of coverage. I even had plenty of energy after. I came home did some post production. Sunday morning I spent with family at a Sunday Brunch (soooo yummy!) and then went on Alyssa's 3 hour senior model session. You will see me posting all week long again. The weekend flew by so quickly and I realized I was not finished sharing sessions from last weekend. So here they are....

Friday, May 8, 2009


I love little Haylie! I have been photographing her for 18 months and she has become such a HAM.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Happy 4th Birthday Jenna!
Loved this floral dress grandma made for Jenna. She quickly warmed up but boy do I love this first shot!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Senior Model Lauren

My month of May is packed with senior models! Here are a few of my faves of Lauren. She is my senior model for Gahanna Class of 2010. Loved her had pockets!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Senior Model Rachel

Meet Rachel my Hilliard Davidson Senior Model for the Class of 2010. She is sooo beautiful and has a wonderful personality! We had a wonderful time chatting and running around during her session. So easy to work with and she really shows that in every image.

This past weekend was jammed packed with 7 sessions ranging from seniors to family. I hope to be able to share most of them before this weekends busy weekend.